So, here are some pics of the Birthday girl and her first day of 2nd Grade. She got a boy teacher this year and isn't quite sure that is the best thing, but we are assuring her that it is. Boy teachers are fun. I think there is just a little playgroup rivalry between the kids with the girl teachers and the kids with the boy teacher. She doesn't have many of her "best" friends in her class, but she is excited to meet new ones. She also started soccer this week and was really excited because they allowed her to play up a level so she could be on a team with girls her age. She loves soccer and is a pretty good little player. Her coach was pleased with her skill level! First game next Saturday. I am jus so proud of her, because I HATED soccer...mostly because of all the running I think. She is a great little athlete. She doesn't mind the sweat or the heat or any of it.
So, for her birthday, I stole the idea from my good friend Sally and made Tarin breakfast in bed...not just any bed, but my bed. She got to watch cartoons and eat german pancakes and muffins in my bed (on Dan's side of course). Ella got to watch cartoons, but not eat. Later on we had some friends over for cake and ice cream. She did have a small birthday party with some of her friends on the street. They did what she has been begging to do for her birthday party for years....jumped on the trampoline and got squirted with the hose. When that was her biggest request, how could I not do it? We made homemade pizzas and then watched the new Cheetah girls movie. It was fun. I was a little nervous about doing it without Dan, but I had some other reinforcements (Thanks Liv). That is why we kept it nice and small. Livia took all the pictures that night....maybe one day I will get them.

The first day of school is always fun because all the kids on the street walk together and the mom's get a chance to hang out a little in the morning. It is so nice to be outside at that time of day (as opposed to the walk home from school in the devil heat). Sometimes we just let the non-school goers play outside while we visit. Each year the number of non-school goers is decreasing and soon I think we will find ourselves with noone but ourselves...REALLY, could that ever happen? Here are some pictures of the first day! She looks a little nervous, right?

The Kids on the Loop

Tarin and Mr. G.

So, you may wonder what Walker is doing everyday now that his big sister/caretaker is in school all day....here are a few of the things he has been up to! Washing his hair....

Yesterday we went to Six Flags with Jen and Jerry. We had so much fun. It was hot, of course, but not busy at all. There was NO waiting in any line. It was so much fun. We got to ride all that we wanted to and the kids got to ride what they wanted to. Thanks Jen and Jerry for a great day. The day ended with a visit to Chuys YUMMO! Aside from the voices from above in Jerry's chair, the dinner was un-eventful with no spills or mis-haps from the kids. The kids were very well behaved and it was a great end to an incredibly busy but fun day! Here are a few pics from the day!
Nothing like a little meet and greet with Scooby and Shaggy.
This is where we go to get cooled off.
The Log Ride....everyone except Walker and I....Next year Wa...next year.. And we bid you farewell until the next post.