Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Short Update

So, not to skip over Christmas and all the excitement of our 60 hours in the car, but two major events happened today. My 22 month old "baby" told me he needed to pee pee and sure enough, he went to the potty and not only pee pee but poo poo came out. The intial plop scared him a bit, but he survived. Later this evening, while visiting the restaurant de Busby, he told me again, but this time I made him wait. Sure enough, about 5 minutes later we went to the potty and he had another success. WOO HOO! I think we are going to give this a go.

And to add a funny story to the mix. As we were having baths tonight Ella said something profound. I told her that "no" she could not watch tv. She said to me, "I wish that word (meaning the word no) would just go away!" I thought that was a good indicator as to what type of day Ella had had.

The End


Kate said...

Yay! He might be potty trained faster than you think. I think it has a lot to do with Tarin and Ella being around. Look forward to hearing about the success of the potty training. As for the word 'no' my kids wish the same thing each day.

Amy said...

Wow- wouldn't that be great if he was potty trained that quickly! What a little stud!

I can't believe you guys had snow brought to you! What a cool HOA!

I also can't believe that you survuved a 60 car trip. You should have t-shirts made!

Hector said...

Good for the little man and you! I wish my little guy wanted to. Hopefully soon.

Sonia said...

That's awesome...I haven't even attempted it with Aidan. I'll wait until he asks, unless he's 3 and hasn't asked yet, lol!

I see Ella's personality is still going strong...we've got to get her and Avery together again...before you move soo far away!!!!

Laura said...

Your kids are awesome! I love it!

Chelsea said...

That is amazing!! I hope that he continues and you are done with diapers! (for now anyway) I'm sorry about your car ride. I have never been that brave. I just bought tickets to fly to Louisiana. Sure, someone may not get a college education now..It's worth it for my sanity.
Hope that you had a great Christmas

The Hall Clan said...

Spence potty trained himself at 2 1/2 and I'll tell you---I'd give ANYTHING to have that happen again.
I think I should by myself something nice with all that saved diaper money.