Wyatt Don was born Tuesday the 23rd at 12:41 PM. He weighed in at 7 lbs 5 oz and was 20.5" long. He is a LONG skinny baby. He came into this world just screaming. The nurses in the nursery couldn't listen to his heart because he was such a screamer. Start to finish, this was a piece of cake delivery, as I guess most scheduled c-sections are. He is doing great. His sisters and brother were so excited to meet him.

If you can't tell, the girls were pretty excited. They will be even more excited once he gets home and they can hold him all they want.
I think Ella has found her new snuggle partner. . .

Walker is ready to wrestle.
The proud papa...i think we have a pic exactly like this with Dan and each one of the kids.

Mama and Wyatt..both of us so happy to be done and have a little more breathing room.
Here is a little video to show you what a screamer we have on our hands. Thankfully, this was just indicitive of the first few hours of his life, he has been pretty peaceful ever since.
that boy looks so looonngg! Holy cow! Im glad it all went as planned:) Conrgrats and I hope to meet the little fella soon. xoxoxo
Congrats on finishing up your family!! What a cutie! Good luck with everything. Love you guys!
Yay! Way to go, Ang. He's one lucky guy.
Ahhhh.... Love his name. So sweet. So, does he look like Ella? I see some similarities. Glad you aren't pregnant anymore:) I'm jealous. Hope you are recovering well and getting some rest.
I am sending you the "baby will be a perfect eater and sleeper" vibes.
You will definitely have some good helpers.
Kami, so far so good. No complaints here! He does look like Ella, and not a thing like Walker. It will be fun to see how he changes as we get him fattened up!
Chels....I am SO Happy to not be prego anymore, although bending over is still hard, it is easier than it was a few days ago! You can do it...ENDURE TO THE END!
Oh congratulations! 2 boys and 2 girls! What a great combo. So exciting for you guys. Hope you are surviving and recovering well. We sure miss you guys!
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