Sunday, March 21, 2010

First Day of Spring....AKA Last Day of Winter...

This is the masterpiece that Dan and the kids built last Sunday. It was supposed to be the world's largest snowman, but ended up being the worlds only conjoined snowman twins. Our neighbors thought it looked like something else....come on people, get your minds out of the gutter...

Hopefully this first day of spring will also be known as the last day of winter. Living here in Northwest Arkansas for the past 7 months has really been a shock to the old system. I don't remember my feet being in shoes so many days in a row as they have been the past few months. I honestly didn't paint my toenails for 3 months. . . that's a record for me. The first day of spring was on Saturday and at 4PM it started to snow, it is now 3 PM on Sunday and it is still SNOWING. Not just snowing but raining ice and sleet. There is probably about 6 to 8 inches of accumulated water. It is CRAZY. I am trying to convince one of my crazy kids to go out front and take a picture to document it. After sacrament meeting, they called off the rest of church, it has been kindof nice to come home and enjoy a few extra hours together before Dan takes off for the week.

It is spring break for the girls this week. I am grateful because it means we won't have to wake up and get out the door to catch the bus, but nervous because it leaves me with all 4 kiddos all day by myself. . . at least through Thursday night. Thank goodness I have some good neighbors and friends and hope to have some playdates planned for the week so we don't get too bored! I am praying for patience and the desire to do fun things with the kids, since it looks like the first day of the break will be spent inside waiting for the snow to melt.

Wyatt is almost a month old, can you believe it? I can! It has been a LONG month..I keep reminding myself that the first few months are the hardest and then things progressively get least with the night time part, and the feedings will be spread apart, etc. He is starting to give us some real smiles and be awake for longer periods of time. He is such a great baby, and I feel so lucky to have him. Poor kid, as number four, I have a feeling he will be spending the bulk of his babyhood in the carseat. I figure to celebrate Wyatt's 1 month birthday I will begin a new diet. Wish me luck! I have two more weeks before I can get back on the exercise wagon, so I will hopefully get a kick start on the weight loss......

Anywho...those are my Sunday ramblings. If I can convice someone to go out and take a pic of all the white stuff, I will post it!


Chelsea said...

Sorry about your weather, that really does not sound like fun! Go easy on yourself, huh? #4 kicked my trash. Give yourself some time especially when you are the only parent most of the time. It WILL get easier, lower your expectations for yourself for awhile. Sounds wierd, I know, but it would have saved me from being so stressed out for the first 5 months. I'm sorry you're alone and by yourself. NO FUN! I wish I could help. I know how you feel. I'm praying for you.

Amy said...

Congratulationson on having Baby Wyatt! I am really scared about having four as well. This will also be my grand finale!

I hope that you get some real spring weather soon!