So...I go in spurts. I have like six different things to post...but I think I will spread them out to keep myself updated. So, on Friday, for the first time in my life...but probably not the last, I lost a kid in the store. Our cousin is visiting from OR and needed the experience of going to SuperTarget....apparantly she is Target deprived and only has little ones. So we went to get a few grocerys. Dan was with the ratio was three adults four kids. Ella needed to go potty or "tee tee" as she now refers to it, so she and I left the rest of them in the shoes. After about five or ten minutes I meet back up with Dan who quickly asks me where Tarin is, and of course I don't know, then we find Jenna and still no sign of Tarin. We divided and looked for her, and of course, she wasn't where we last saw her.
It was what seemed like FOREVER and I turned a corner and saw her walking down the aisle with one of the Target employees. Thankfully, if I had to lose a kid, Tarin was responsible and old enough to know to get some help. She found the nearest Target worker and told them she was lost. Apparantly the Target employee had paged a Ms. Dillon because Tarin was so scared she "couldn't talk loud enough to say it right." So, it turned into nothing more than a really great learning experience for both mom and dad and Tarin. I feel blessed that it was such a non event, but still very scary. I felt TERRIBLE! I know there is nothing scarier than feeling like you lost your mom and dad and Tarin's face said it all. I don't ever want that experience again.
Scary stuff to learn for both of us.