Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Enlighten me, if you will

Last Saturday we spent the day with some new friends and their kids. The adults went to dinner and the kids stayed and played at our house with a sitter. We had a great time getting to know some new people in our neighborhood and ward. That night when we were saying family prayer, Dan thanked Heavenly Father for our new friends and the opportunity we had to get to know them better that day. As soon as the "Amen" was said. Tarin looked at us and said...I didn't get to know Brooke today....(this is where the explaination comes in) "I already know Brooke, off the hook."

Does anyone have any insight what it might mean to know someone "off the hook"?


Amy said...

"Brook, off the hook!" KIds sure say the funniest things!

Kate said...

Kids are just too funny and say really cute things! We missed you at dance class today. Class was unusally small and we hope your doing well!

Anonymous said...

Isn't nice when kids rhyme. How about when we are by friends and our daughter says: "Tiare with the naughty body." What am I suppose to say to that? :)

It sounds like Tarin's been watching American Idol "That was off the hook!"

Sonia said...

Maybe she knew her in heaven and they went to parties that were "off the hook!" So, that's why she already knows her "off the hook!" Who knows, kids are so funny!!! I love that though! I may have to start saying that, lol!!!