Saturday, April 19, 2008


So I gave it a shot and tried to run 6.4 miles the other night to see if it was at all possible for me to run in a 10K race that is coming up this Saturday. I grabbed a friend, who is a seasoned runner, and made her go with me. WE DID IT! We ran around the lake two times...which is exactly 6.4 miles or a 10K. WOO HOO! I had never run more than 4 miles straight. It was a kick and we did in a decent amount of time too...

On the down side...when I got home, Tarin had a fever of 102 and Ella came home from a friends house sick....So, needless to say, it was a sad homecoming. Hopefully they are all feeling better by tomorrow so we can show our faces at church. Now I am just hoping Walker doesn't catch it. Seriously, have we been sick all year or WHAT? It is getting a little old. Maybe I should home school and never let the kids leave the house and then all the wicked germs will STAY AWAY!!!

That's that!


Sonia said...

You go girl!!! Congrats!!! I could NEVER do that!

I know what you mean about being sick all year. We've had the same miserable luck!!! It never ends. Hope everyone feels better soon!!!

Kate said...

Hope the kiddos are feeling ok! I am so happy to hear you are the YW President! You'll do great work!! We will miss you in RS.

Amy said...

Wow, I am impressed! I don't even think I could run around our block. Good for you. I am so sorry that you came home to sick kids. I hope everyone is healthy soon.

Erin said...

Let's tell the truth, you kicked my butt! You did awesome and I hope I do better this saturday! I ran 5 miles this morning and I came home so sweaty--it was gross! I'm excited to get up early and run 6 miles!

Erin said...

Let's tell the truth, you kicked my butt! You did awesome and I hope I do better this saturday! I ran 5 miles this morning and I came home so sweaty--it was gross! I'm excited to get up early and run 6 miles!