So, for those of you who haven't heard, yes after our longest stint in any house we have ever owned (this is our 3rd house within 4 years) we are moving yet again. Dan has been offered a promotion as a field rep for his same company. His territory will be covering Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. So, we will be moving to one of the three states, most likely Oklahoma. This business has been brewing for a few weeks..and started out with us thinking we were going to lose our job, so we are feeling very grateful and "seriously so blessed" that we are in the position that we are and not one that we could be in. So, now that my house is completely the way I want it, it is time for someone else to enjoy it....IF we can sell it. The market here is pretty crummy, but if you know anyone moving to TX who need a really great house, send them to the house blog by going to
Another thing I am really grateful for is that Dan survived his first and hopefully
only motorcycle accident this week. At about 5PM every day I try really hard to keep myself busy so I don't think too much about him riding home on his motorcycle and then I just breathe a sigh of relief when I hear the rumble from a mile away. (I can tell it is him for sure, because Willie recognizes the rumble too.) But this day I got the phone call I dread. Yep, he had been in an accident, but he called me and he was fine. Apparantly some guy in front of him slammed on his brakes and Dan locked up his own, rear-ended the car in front of him and then fell over with the beastly bike on top of him. He WALKED away with only a few scrapes and bruises. The most amazing thing about it is...NOONE STOPPED TO HELP. Can you believe it? He was laying on the ground under his motorcycle, and the cars behind him drove around him to get by. One of the passer by's was even a co-worker of his. I was just amazed. Luckily he wasn't hurt and he got up and was able to lift his bike up and walk away. The bike has some damage, but relatively minor to what it could be. A guy in our ward had the same thing happen to him last month, and he broke his collar bone. So, once again we are feeling "seriously so blessed." (but not in a funny sarcastic way like the other blog....but seriously like I mean it).
So, that is a reason I haven't been posting much lately...too much up in the air to discuss my feelings freely. But now that it is mostly all settled, we are good to go. I am doing quite a bit of stress eating, which is new for me. Usually I don't eat when I am stressed, but this week alone I have made 2 batches of homemade oreos, banana bars, caramel popcorn, and started in on some ice cream...not to mention the 2 trips to MCD's for fries. It is a good thing I am still doing some running...or I would be seriously hating myself...oh yeah, and started in on a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos....gotta get more Diet Coke...just remembered!
So, the cycle continues. We keep adding a few months on to our stint in each house, but the average is about two years. Hm....maybe next time we can stretch it to three years..."Home Equity," what exactly is that? I have heard about it, but don't really understand the concept. So, wish us luck, again on this new adventure! HERE WE GO!